Why Do Lakes and Ponds Develop Water Quality Issues? Why is Nutrient Remediation Necessary?
Lakes and ponds serve as rich ecosystems for aquatic plants and wildlife. They also function as beautiful backdrops and recreational spots for humans and pets to enjoy. Because a waterbody tends to perform multiple roles, it’s possible for the natural harmony of the ecosystem to become unbalanced. Oftentimes, this imbalance can be traced back to an excessive amount of lake and pond nutrients. And the most effective way to combat nutrient overload is through nutrient remediation.
Is There Such Thing as Too Many Nutrients?
In suitable quantities, nutrients are beneficial—and necessary—for lakes and ponds to flourish. Nutrients like phosphorous and nitrogen occur in natural levels within waterbodies thanks to fish waste and decomposing aquatic plants, but too much of a good thing may threaten the health and appearance of the aquatic ecosystem.
The introduction of foreign nutrient sources, like fertilizers, grass clippings, leaves, animal waste, and eroded sediment can spur the growth of nuisance plants and algae blooms, cause poor water clarity, foul odors, fish kills and lead to incredible stress on a lake or pond. The presence of excessive nutrients can not only endanger plants and wildlife that call the aquatic ecosystem home, nutrient runoff may also speed up the waterbody’s natural aging process of eutrophication, causing the lake or pond to expend itself prematurely.
How Can You Control Nutrient Levels?
Nutrient levels can be managed through proactive solutions like floating fountains or aeration systems, however, additional solutions may be needed to reduce excess levels of phosphorus or nitrogen.
Products like Alum, Phoslock, and EutroSORB help reduce excess nutrient levels. Alum is utilized to improve water quality by reducing excess phosphorus levels and other nutrients present in the water column. Phoslock is an effective solution that binds with phosphorus, chemically changing their composition so they can no longer fuel poor water quality. EutroSORB is another solution used to target excess phosphorus and eliminate it from the water column via phosphate-binding minerals.
Each solution is effective at regulating excess nutrient levels like phosphorus and improving water quality in lakes and ponds.
Discover the complete benefits of each nutrient remediation solution:
Implement Proactive Solutions Like Buffers & Aeration
Nutrient remediation solutions are vital for a successful lake or pond management program. To ensure your waterbody is on the right track, consider conducting regular water quality tests that reveal important parameters like nutrient levels, pH, dissolved oxygen levels, and more. To prolong the beneficial effects of nutrient remediation applications, implement proactive solutions like beneficial buffers and fountains and aeration systems which help promote oxygenation throughout the water column. These sustainable solutions help create a balanced aquatic environment and help prevent nutrient loading.
Restore Balance in Your Waterbody Through Nutrient Remediation
Contact your lake and pond management expert to discuss implementing a nutrient remediation and nutrient management plan to put your lake or pond on a path to recovery.