Property owners or managers responsible for the care of lakes or ponds are advised to observe best management practices, or BMPs. These practices, when applied properly, allow one to protect lake water and the surrounding areas, and provide a safe environment for vegetation and recreation. Whether you utilize your lake or pond for outdoor leisure – including fishing, swimming, and other water sports – or simply use the space to beautify a commercial property, know that keeping the area clean also helps in promoting a healthy living and/or work space.
What exactly is involved in applying BMPs to lake management? It’s more than a matter of simply keeping the grounds free of litter. A reputable lake management company looks at several factors to ensure your lake or pond remains healthy for plant and animal life to enjoy. Aspects of best management practices normally include the following:
1) Management of Waterfowl. If you have a lake on your property, chances are you have ducks and geese. While ducks can be enjoyable to have around, geese will cause more harm than good. Goose droppings can contribute to the pollution of your water and pose human and animal health risks, so it’s a good idea to employ practices that discourage geese from settling on your property. Repellents that don’t harm your water or vegetated buffers along the edges of your lake are recommended to prevent geese from using your lake.
2) Proper Landscaping. The gardens and grass surrounding your water do affect the health of your lake or pond. It’s important to choose vegetation native to the area, in particular plants that do not rely on artificial fertilizers or chemicals to stay green and vibrant. A good lake management company can inspect your property and advise you on properly landscaping your water property.
3) Soil Maintenance. Gardeners know that soil must breathe in order to encourage growth. As a lake owner or manager, it’s important to control the soil surrounding the water so it does not erode.
4) Pest Control. Standing water attracts bugs. When you find an area infested with mosquitoes and other biting insects, your first instinct may be to eliminate them with pesticides. It may kill the bugs, but chemical-based pesticides can pollute your grounds. There are ways, however, to head off such problems – the installation of a floating fountain, for one, helps your water’s movement so it does not stagnate and attract pests.
Lake management best practices ensure the prolonged health of your pond or lake environment. Consulting with a professional pond management company is key in the care of your property.