Mechanical Harvesting and Hydro-Raking | Case Studies and Success Stories
SOLitude Lake Management offers hydro-raking and mechanical harvesting to provide area selective removal of nuisance, floating and rooted aquatic vegetation and accumulated sediment. Eliminating undesirable plants and sediment in your waterbody can improve water quality, reduce odor and enhance recreational use. These environmentally-friendly management options also allow for an alternative solution in situations where herbicides are not appropriate or desired.
Below are case studies highlighting a few of our success stories involving Mechanical Harvesting and Hydro-Raking projects.

Maidencane Control with Hydro-Raking | Boiling Spring Lakes, NC
This lake is a 350-acre waterbody located in the center of Boiling Spring Lakes, NC. The property is directly fed from North Lake to the north, which is fed by Spring Lake to the northeast…

Removing Organic Material in Campus Pond | Beverly, MA
These ponds, located on a college campus, were diminishing due to the bioaccumulation of nearby leaf debris and aquatic vegetation. Due to the large amount of detritus, SOLitude recommended…

Trash Removal via Harvester | Boston, MA
This river is 3.5 miles long stretching through Boston and Brookline. A portion of the river flow passes through a park and throughout the city. A major challenge the river faces is the amount of trash being collected in the waterbody…

Removing Nuisance Emergent Vegetation | Webster, MA
This site is a 4.2-acre pond located within the western section of Webster Lake. The pond has historically served as a direct inlet into Webster Lake, with a culvert connecting the pond to the watershed…
Contact us at 888.480.5253 to find your lake, stormwater pond, wetlands or fisheries management solution!