Heart & SOL Day


Improving Communities Through Company-wide Day of Volunteering

Established in 2019, Heart & SOL Day is a company-wide volunteering initiative dedicated to enhancing the communities we serve.

Heart & SOL Day is part of The SOLution, our volunteering and community outreach program, which includes various community engagement efforts. During Heart & SOL Day, employees are empowered to dedicate up to four paid hours of their workday to engage in community service projects that resonate with their individual passions.

Colleagues have spent countless hours cleaning up litter in local parks, beaches, and other areas. Additionally, they have volunteered at local food banks, animal sanctuaries, and various other organizations.

Heart & SOL Day Activities Over the Years...

the solution cleanup team photo volunteering heart and sol day earth day
Clean up the solution volunteering heart and sol day 1
Mechanical-Jordan Pond Clean Up - Becky Snyder - the solution - volunteering - team - heart and sol
the solution program
the solution - volunteering - team - heart and sol - vb

The Mission of Heart & SOL Day

At SOLitude, we aim to enhance the communities we serve with our sustainable lake and pond management solutions.

Through Heart & SOL Day, we hope to broaden this mission and make a positive impact on the communities where we service and reside.

Want to Learn More About The SOLution Program?

Complete the form below to learn more about our community outreach efforts.

Designed and Developed by Peak Seven